To all those people looking my page… 致所有浏览我页面的人…
It's my cake day and I'm 4 years old today! How old is everyone else?
Boys, let’s confuse the girls
How do I report someone on iOS ?they could be a possible bot
When I’m talking to someone why does it sometimes notify me of their reply, but when I tap it, it doesn’t show me anything?
My account got hacked
I’m thinking of doing a Wheel of r/teenagers users so comment and I will add your name
tell me a fun fact about u!! 🥐
Who looks good in this outfit (green version)
This guy is like getting very sexual with me
Which child are you??? :3
Hello Kitty stamp from Taiwan
who was ur first celebrity crush?
Can I, as OP of a post, pin a comment in the comments? If so, how? (On android)
People on this Reddit,
How common is m0lesting in your class?
Which language is your native and which ones are you learning?
Nom Nom
Today was a close call
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