Opossums are wonderful eco-allies to have around wooded areas because they can eat up to 5,000 ticks in a season, their body temperature is typically too low to carry rabies, and will eat venomous snakes with no ill effects!
I have zero idea what plates to get for some Solaris boots HELP ty ily
Roller Derby Regrets 😭
PvP player perspective on why PvP players kill friendly "questers" / PvE geared players.
I’m confused by the eso community. RANT.
Day 7 - Who is a Good Person that is Hated by Fans? - Lyza Wins Day 6!
What mouse do you use for work?
Just a reminder to the terfs and transphobes
AITAH for my response to my Boyfriends ultimatum over audiobooks?? [Short] [Concluded]
For those in the USA, where do you get reliable, accurate news from?
You’re starved for inspo. What book do you reach for time and time again?
Tales of Tribute Tactician advice?
Faking your resume
What show was great at first but declined so much you couldn’t finish it?
Possible Presidents Day Protest
Why is nobody panicking over the new “faith office”?
What do you guys chase currently?
If you’re applying for a design job (from someone who hires designers)
Things have gotten objectively heavy. For a bit of a lighter post, can you please share the ear-worm you have in your head right now?
Can't even go downtown without getting looks
Hawley and Schmitt aren’t answering the phones. Call your state officials ask them to pass along the message.
The MacBook Purchasing Megathread - February, 2025
Given the current climate in America, how can I be sure that my menstruation data won't be used to prosecute me for having a uterus that might not be reliable?
Missouri House hears bills that would make restrictions for transgender youth permanent