Photography for reception
Taking on a new last name... How did you decide?
Something feels off about the face but I can't figure out what it is?
my friend smells like SHIT
Rat poison question
Small "phone" icon in bottom right corner of screen
Please help
Obtain the Ancestral Sword
Just got this finished up today
I'm torn
Day 16: Who is a Side Character but should have got/gotten or have less air time
I have no Title for this....
Whos your go to Bachelor/Bachlorette?
Neighbor’s pest control guy told them these are German. My pest control guy (from a different PT company) told me they’re Asian. Which one is it?
Do you know where to see this film?
Pls what are these? A little bigger than mouse droppings found in sock drawer what could they be??
Advice on Myrkul HM
A little rant about people's perception of our boi
How many of you play DnD?
Help identifying the pest
Is there any way to tell the difference between an Asian roach and German when in smaller forms?
A doodle cause I adore the artwork in it
Any characters you wish tgey were romanceable?
What are standard signs an exterminator sprayed for roaches?