Roses are red, the singular version of Sans is San,
Blursed phone
Artists Who Can Sing vs. Artists Who Can't Sing
I’m doing it again (becuase I’m bored) give me your avatars and I will turn the three most upvoted into Funko POPS!
Roses are red, a bone is very bony,
Roses are red, running makes you sore,
Roses are red, my speling is grit👍🏽
Roses are red, throw up makes me sicker and sicker,
Roses are red, I want to know how a idiot sues,
Roses are red, I like to eat bread, Patrick is alive, but
What was the longest piece you’ve had??
Real band tier list
W Tier list?
What are these multi-million dollar companies smoking
I found this at goodwill
Nuggert & William J.
My biggest hear me out (literally)
YOUR ____ SO FAT!!
Hear me out tho....
Ok come on guys…
Send me ur avatar and the first 10 I like will be shown in a cool picture (need roblox username) and also I hate my li-
The Romeo And Juliet Squad
Comedy has no age limit—this old guy proves it!