What's your opinion on Roman Empire Ogres?
How did the anima drought impact the other afterlives?
What is your favorite and least favorite headcanon?
Are Guardians of Ancient Kings and the Ancient Kings souls ascended by The Light?
I think I've invented tanks a few centuries early.
Humans need more variety
What are Revenant exactly?
The totally serious lore of Linken
Does communing with the dead mean communing with the Shadowlands?
Why do people feel the need to "attack" or "defend" the lore?
Azshara, Denathrius and Xal'atath
How different would the lore and story be if Blizz made an open-world singleplayer RPG?
Forgotten Characters: Hardcore Edition
Questions about Maldraxxus
"wE HaVe tO bE DiFfeReNt"
Is it fair to criticise the lore?
Did Emeni willingly send souls to The Maw?
Did the Kirin Tor learn the wrong lessons?
Where did the "Elune one true Goddess" come from?
What a sad robot
What forgotten character would you like to see return?
Lothraxion the plothole
Are the chronicles worth to read?
What the hell is up with Derek Proudmoore?
Is half the Council of Six just dead now or are they inside the Dark Heart?