Went with a 5-25 Atacr
What’s the most you would pay for this DSAArms RPD?
Deal on 7.62x39 brass case ammo??
Ar15 upper requires FFL?!
Is this a legit PEQ-15?
Is this worth the money?
Deal of the day??
New AP! It's like 13 years old from my step dad.
My girlfriend left me unattended this evening
FGMM Sierra 175gr alternative?
Nightforce Nx8 1-8 worth it for $1,100 new?
It's now official. We're cooked chat...
I was only 15 when trump was first elected. Now I'm going to be almost 30 when his next term is over.
Americans, you feel happy now?
Someone was asking for price check and recent transactions
New pick up
Questions about DSA G1 FAL
M*CARBO sponsor Me
375 cheytac
How heavy is too heavy 🤔
What is this machine? And what’s it for?
My first AR. What would you upgrade first?
2nd time shooting
There are still deals out there…