People who cheat.
Who up ? Insomnia freaks gather 🫡🫡
Is Neptune in Pisces the catalyst for all the doomsday stuff that’s going on and all the mass hysteria?
Looking for coop partner :)
Looking for a partner to play seamless coop with
Developed vs undeveloped placements
Welp…the holy trinity of hate❤️
That Libra man you want karma against will live a happy handsome life with all the hoes because he applies sunscreen hourly while you’re too busy strategising revenge against him hourly…
Leo risings and Taurus suns/MCs
What’s your reason for hating scorpio’s
I’m a [astro sign] that’s why I’m…
Which house is your Jupiter in ? ♃
Write down your Saturn (sign/house) and let s chat about how it impacted you
Respectfully, no 🙏🏻🤣
What’s your Lilith and how is it ruining your life 💀
If you’re not obsessed with me I lose interest… and I hate that. 😭
You vs your mom
What is your moon sign and what is your career or field of study?
Juno placements
Ol classic meme of the elemental placements 😆
Thoughts on Scorpio risings?
Aqua & who else 🙄🙄
How do others feel about Virgo risings?
What is you MC (midheaven or 10H) sign and what is your dream job?