Tricks for mixing paint and/or shaking paint?
Are the "gg loss" people still around?
Trade in events
Rumour - multi tier lootboxes might come to EU server
Will the E25 be purchasble for gold ?
Trade in event
Help me find this article
Trade-In. White Dragon can't be traded?
Is there any way of getting gold cheaper?
New test tank? (GST Turm)
Opinions on the IS-3A falcon?
You guys think WG purposefully gave us tanks that we already had or did most of us just get really unlucky?
Next tank in auction
Are we getting a key like the 2020 auction
Do you guys think wargaming intentionally put in this offer to trick us thinking that the next auction offer is going to be for free xp? Or just usual milking.
What is The Long-Awaited Backup Campaign and Second Front campaign orders? From my Asia account. Does it automatically get any reward tanks?
Tier 11 gameplay
Do you have this offer too?
Was there an offer for a FREE XP GAMBLE ?
Any guess the last tank will be?
Sfac on exp on EU ?
SFAC bid for free xp on asia server (roughly 6600 gold)
Next auction tank for EU server?
i returned to the game after 10 years, is the game dead?