This hairstyle is not it 🥴
Well we were right…
Who tf is this
How is YouTube your ‘pride and glory’ when the latest post is stuff from January
There’s no way she’s being serious
Nothing beats this, a bottle of tequila, and no Anna ? 👀
Why would you want to sleep with all that on ?
She used to have the best eyebrows ever… what in the world has she done to her face it’s so sad..
Proof watching your videos isn’t that hard… unless your Anna
Introducing ✨King and Queen Bean ✨
Why doesn’t she just move to WPB
Hot take: I don’t even think the flowers are from Trey Trey.
Here’s a friendly reminder to all: see Anna’s chest? Put on sunscreen.
The orange face makes the rest of her body look so pale and sickly
Imagine your video going viral (3.6M+ views) and it’s you being a slob 🤣
Hairline color. I’ll never understand why she wants to have an orange face
lol immediately thought of Trey
It baffles me that she can be scared of the conditions in her Lyft, but expected the airplane to be fine in it
Can’t follow simple recipes
I feel like she always talks about how she is filming for YouTube but girl, you hardly post?
PSA to all who film workouts: move your camera or stop including so many ass, crotch clips
Back in October her “giveaway” boosted her following over 610K.. 3 months later, whew that’s a drop!
Put your tits away
what an out of touch take this is
TikTok ban thoughts?