Bike Donations
Replacement covers
Unconnected battery went from 100% to 95% in three days
Pre-op Pain VS. Post-op Pain
Had a fall, cannot lift right arm above shoulder (but no pain)
Michael Shannon & Jason Narducy playing "Sitting Still" with Peter Buck - Portland 2/22/25
Knew that Lily Yohannes was just from a different planet!
Say Anything
Looking for a solid Tax Preparer/Accountant
For those really into health/fitness
Cuff repair done.. Supraspinatus + subscapularis.
6 weeks but not feeling great
Should I seek a second opinion regarding surgery recommendation?
Key Duplication
The Pope of Greenwich Village...
Notre Dame Expected to Name Ja'Juan Seider Next RB Coach
Anyone on here seen Wilco at Cicero's Basement Bar?
Anyone here a ND fan that’s not religious or at least agnostic
What’s the neighborhood like by Lincoln Park?
Rochester School Superintendent
Doing a Mike Leigh marathon and never realized that our #1 boy stars in Life Is Sweet
If you are thinking about doing Dry January, just fucking do it.
Any albums you think are 10/10, no skips? I would like a new album to listen to
Any lyricless music you listen to that makes you cry?
Catering for a wedding