People making over 1 trillion a year, what do you do?
We have become stereotyped
I can't seem to get hired anywhere !
Are you participating today’s economic blackout?
Should I buy a home in full or take a loan?
How do I make my first 100k
Remember kids its all about timing the market, not time in the market.
What differences did Scholar of the First Sin add?
Chat did I cook?
What's the power stance and how do you use it?
Just turned 31, jobless, still living with my parents, deadline to get a job by March 1st.
Is it true that women have multiple orgasms when they’re having sex?
What can I expect for her first time and how can I make it better?
Why do people care so much that I don’t drink
I’m so fucking pissed right now
You see this guy, what do u do?
BB yolo !
Why does Kayne love Nazism and Hitler, even though if he were alive, he'd hate and exterminate him?
The truth coming?
Can you honestly live comfortably off the interest on 1.5 million dollars
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, February 11, 2025
Ha! $BB, I'm with you! YOLO! $14,000. Sorry if I cause this stock to tank again, with my luck... last time I tanked it with a 15K loan.
The BlackBerry transformation is complete.
My son got terminated