So about the narrator in the game...*Spoilers*
Characters who are infamously known for one thing
Quickiest, snappiest, most surprising outta nowhere deaths you've seen?
The antagonist IS evil, but the main reason they are dangerous is their incompetence, and the power they've been given despite it.
Characters who for lack of better term are literally walking spoiler
(Loved trope) when a character is possessed/controlled by another character, and instead of having the voice edited over theirs, the actor does a (pretty great) impression of the character.
Thragg (Invincible) vs Movie Super Sonic
Homelander has to tend to Abridged Guru. How long can he last before killing Guru?
Characters whose childish personality/mindset make them scarier.
Danny (TMNT 1990) sure caused a lot of trouble
Characters who scared the people working with their media
Characters who have canonically killed children, yet are still sympathetic or even fan favorite characters
Butt ugly or downright cursed looking characters
Reasonable crash out villains with every right to become evil
Characters with confusing genders
Can DCAU earth survive Invincible War?
[Hated Trope] When a villain’s motivations are too reasonable, so the writers make them do out of character immoral acts to make them seem more evil
What is the worst thing you've seen someone defend?
Characters who shit their pants upon realizing they don't have a leg up on their opponent.
Characters who speak English but sound unintelligible
I asked ChatGPT to roast us and it said this
Non villainous characters who are still bad or awful people.
Heroic protagonists that constantly get put through the wringer
The characters that despise each other agree on something
Villains who embody what the hero could have been at their absolute worst