My DM sets different DC for each individual player per encounter?
My deck
Hyperfocus on character traits
DM here, I feel like shit. Does anyone have any tips on remembering rules/spells/class features?
Why do you think they got rid of gold for xp?
DMs - how to you make your campaigns less 'railroady'?
Does changing mundane damage type between Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing count as flavour?
Recognize great DMs?
What’s your best advice for a new dm?
Can mental issues be healed with magic?
exhaustion linked to hitpoints
I would like some help with an idea for a character barbarian elf concept but I think it's not really doable
Scariest monsters to face
How do i make my players more engaged
The most brutal vicious Mockery insults
Need Frog pun names for a campaign
DMs, How do you reveal the purpose of magic items to your players?
What is the best Hack you made of a system and you're proud of?
DM tactics, acceptable or not?
How do i manage this? 5.5e
Role playing?
What's the most unique character you've ever made?
Any suggestions for this setting idea??
How to deal with the loss of my table
What classes would use a garrotte?