Is this normal?
"oh I hope his kids get taken away from him" lol.
Flags I saw in a 25 minute drive through rural Wisconsin, USA. (I was honestly surprised with the Russian one)
That random dude who just couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
My nephew gifted me his DSi and 3DS plus a few games
The 3DS 16 cartridge case is possibly the worst accessory of all time
Vanessa Legrow Flexwness FULL CONTENT SET
Show me your kitties!
Father Calvin Robinson finished his remarks at the National Pro-Life Summit by throwing a nazi salute, much to the delight of the crowd.
Vaush Talking About Ethan and Markiplier
Are all LGS just scalpers now?
Hi! I’m an illustrator and I just started my own 151 collection with this Butterfree illustration. I would like to know your thoughts about it!
I have so many code cards help me get rid of them PLEASEEE!!
Need help finding a shitty camera for my pc setup
Should i grade this?
Buyer remorse : 2025 XLE
HMFT after I lose my temper, regret it, and become a little bitch.
What happened?
Korean Booty
Another mc showing of money
If you could only own 1 of these cards, which would you choose?
Insurance fraud attempt by these clowns 🤡
Been collecting for almost a year, this is the collection so far. What say you?
This is scary as a casual collector trying to complete the 151 set on a budget.
Found a shining Zard and Raichu - worthwhile to grade?