Pearl Gourami and Blood Fin Tetras
How often do you re-scape?
I didn’t know bettas could look like this. What should I name her?
[LF] - London, UK - Eriocaulon sp. “Feather Duster”
Alternatives to Buce Plant
So excited new addition
What is this mold infesting my Parents aquarium and how can we combat it?
I have been trying to fit a square peg in a round hole
Looking for a micropredator to eat scuds in 10 gallon with shrimp and pygmy corys
Riot on making skins lately...
Is it possible to turn hard water tank into soft water tank?
I'm so annoyed at these kinds of people
GW Paints
General consensus: Shrimps likes low/no flow
Controversial Fish Tank Practices
What hubs do you guys run
Shrimps Forever mulberry feed today
Why people say cinema is garbage
Thank you Google AI, very helpful
What is the easiest floating plant that ISNT duckweed?
What re-mineralization would you recommend for blue bolts shrimp?
My shrimp really like cucumber. Any other vegetables i can try?
Crystal red shrimp?
(Caridina) how to top up water?
Botanicals party