How long do you lift for?
5’7.5, 156 lbs, please critique
3 days no nicotine after 9 years straight 😅
Good REM Sleep, Bad Deep Sleep
Avoiding weight gain when quitting
Any carnivore runners out there?
Brought back carbs, morning wood gone
Bowel movements are too frequent. Should I be concerned?
50 Days into Carnivore, Still Having Daily Diarrhea
Egg Intolerance
Glutamine for carnivore diarrhea?
Feels like only low fat carnivore works for me
Protein to Fat Ratio & Diarrhea
Zinc/Copper Balance
3 months in….diarrhea won’t stop
Not losing weight like I thought.
Was I being scammed?
Chronic Diarrhea, Losing Hope
Feeling hungry all the time
How many calories a day do you feel best at?
Thoughts on moderate alcohol use
Is moderate alcohol use ok?
What was the unexpected benefit you did not foresee doing carnivore?
I ate only ground beef for 30 days, this is what happened
3 weeks into carnivore, when will the diarrhea stop?