Most Underrated Knife/Glove Combo.
How much can I ask for this MW AK CH on CSFloat?
I just spun this album again on a night cruise by myself to clear my head.. this album is WAY nicer than I remembered. I remember I discarded it as a throwaway album when it dropped. That might be the biggest L I’ve taken in a long time. WTF!!!!
playing with expensive skins experience
Tier 1 Blue Gem Classic Knife
Was thinking about buying this for 1300$ after selling some of my skins. Is it worth that much?
Can we talk about O'Malley vs Soukhamthath
Skin opinions you hold that this sub lambastes you for?
Tyler1 is our only savior
What would you guys pay for this realistically?
Signed hat by alc
Sad day....
POV you in the trenches trying to make some flips before the rent is due
Opinions on my craft
Skelton knife pattern 558 battle scarred.
Perhaps overpay with the 2017 krakow stickers?
Knife in under 10 cases
Decided not to get any of the talons or the M4 and got this instead.
bfk gamma doppler + nocts ($3600) OR M4A4 Howl .16 ($4050) - (I don't have knife or gloves)
how much for this trash? 525 pattern 0,214 float, stat Track
Coca-Cola Hot Sauce Template 12345. Any overpay for a template like this?
I just bought this of CSfloat its the best tier 2 blue gem pat for only 20$!(W/L)