Heyyy rate 1-10?
What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
Wish I had an older guy to eat my ass:)
Need a guy to eat my ass ☹️
What’s the best advice you would give for someone in their 20s?
What does the inside of a vagina feel like?
What’s the best thing to say after you had sex ?
What’s the best forms of foreplay?
Men, what is the point of love bombing for 3 to 4 months just to ghost?
What are some good side hustles that actually make good money?
Is there a best free dating app that is legit without a subscription?
Honest reason, why did you cheat?
What is the best alcohol with minimum hangover?
How do people cope with college debt?
What are 3 best things you’ve spent your money on?
What is the best way to get over someone?
What’s the saddest snot running eyes bawling movie you’ve ever seen?
What’s one song you immediately turn off as soon as you hear it?
Whats the grossest thing you’ve ever done during sex but in the moment you didn’t care?