Sick of men trying to make me into a girl
What is with a lot of tops thinking a bottoms ass works like a pussy?
What’s one piece of advice you would give your 13 year old self if you had a time machine?
Would you hook up with a fat guy?
Dear gay guys, fat guys have feelings.
why do republican guys fuck me better then democrat guys.
ALL sons 18 TO 40 whos fantasies are keeping them up at night?
If you could go back and live your 20s again, what would you change?
What's the most disgusting thing you did/let another guy do because you were horny?
Three guys one night, too much?
I don't understand why this straight man keeps looking at me, any ideas?
To Other Feminine Men, how do you keep your sanity?
How do you respond when someone straight calls you a faggot?
should i go blonde idk help me
What color should I try?
Are my dating preferences out of reach?
Straight but Curious??
Do you prefer cute or hot guys?
I'm dating an older guy and he wants to share me with his friends. How do I prepare?
Husband told me he’s no longer interested in having sex, like ever again.
Would you FUCK yourself if ypu could
What percentage of guys lie about their stats on gay apps?
Tops don't fuck with same bottom in sex parties
First time doing a hair color like this.. thoughts?