Medication doses
Voucher program feels
I’m just a random guy
Transferring care locally
Here we go again! 3rd Kidney transplant...
Sarah Hyland emotional transplant journey. She played haley in modern family
The devils drug PREDNISONE😑
What’s your targeted trough level?
Can someone please share their experience of immunosuppressive medication?
Americans: what is your opinion on Canadians boycotting US goods, services and tourism?
AIO for asking my husband about questionable places on his maps history?
Redditors born before 2001, where were you on 9/11?
Seven years
How often do you fall sick?
constantly sick post-transplants
From 1 to 10 How would you rate your beautylish lucky bag 2025?
Violent vomitting just venting
Movies that are peaceful with almost no tension
a huge selfless act of kindness 🤍
To listen to his daughter's heartbeat, a father rides a bicycle 1,400 miles.
My Dog Did Something Today That Melted My Heart
Being on the transplant list sounds stressful as frick.
Organ Failure Sucks (vent)
Transplant Recovery
Americans how are you feeling right now?