Why does some of the professionals suck so much at addressing ghosting issues?
When you actually practice what you preach
What are the toxic traits of Asian culture that you would not adopt in your own life?
Why do they look at your story but still ghosting ??
AF that are with WM, but are obsessed with Asian culture
My satisfying response 🤗
Right-wing commentator Richard Hanania obsessed with mocking Asian men
We will after the inevitable revolution, don't worry
racism towards indians
I hate white girls that like asian guys
To the Asian women, what are your encounters with creepy western men?
Xiaohongshu lost it's Asian/Chinese aesthetics. TikTok refugees only used that app as a coping mechanism. TikTok refugees never really cared much about Chinese culture. Only as an escape. Validation leads to Westernisation. And pampering to foreigners. Now it's Westernised.
does these type of water splash damage to the skateboard
Fallout 4 is not just a good game, it's a good FALLOUT game. There, I said it.
Asians Must REJECT Western Culture | Lee Kuan Yew on Asian Identity & Bilingualism
Thoughts on new Karate Kid movie trailer?
Tongan gangsters being deported from New Zealand
265k members, two posts a day over the last week
What makes you want to stay single?
Christianity is just w supremacy in disguise
Monthly Free-for-All
U.S. Serviceman sentenced to 5 years for rape of a minor in Japan
As an Asian parent, what would you do differently in raising your children greatly so they don't end up being socially awkward?
Don't know what I created but its fun
New setup