alfa made a new post on patreon
Im not czech but when I visited prague all the building i saw were works of art, and every stair i went up felt like a deathtrap
Well this post i did from 3 yrs ago aged like milk
Guess the price of my fish and chips, and I'll guess where you live
Do magic mushrooms go bad?
Liminal Photo
comeback to “suck my dick”
I want a comeback to "I guess your mom's a little weak in the knees today after what we had last night"
It turns out that a former leader of the KKK has the Welsh flag in his church. Which is a massive shame.
Best comeback for “kill yourself”
Alfa by the time he uploads reddit again
Hey do like CUM?
Petition to get Alfa to plays red dead redemption 2
Turophiles be like 👍
alfa but w*man
Uhh does this count as a liminal photo?
Trash edit by a trash person
On my 5158539616496th playthrough of the game I found John Marston from rdr1!! Am I the first to find him? How could he be here in rdr2? He died in rdr1, is this an oversight by rockstar or a bug?
The sonova bitch did it
Its time for are revenge. Remember don’t spam find the top comment about comment about cheesecake and like it
Liminal space moment
Why does traditional British food have such a poor worldwide reputation: there are 184 Michelin star restaurants in the country- which is sort of a large amount. Why isn't that enough?
Couldn’t get a full shot, but the lunch dude was wearing a “Big Cheese” hat at school today but little did I know it’s his girlfriends and he wears it EVERYDAY🧀👑🧀👑
He’ll regret the day he dared us to deep fry this image