Warm & Comfy
Which one suites me better?
First in line at my GameStop who I know is limiting two per customer and there is 8 ebts left, hope I get something, it’s 5am and they open at 10
New girl didn’t like my collection shelf.. thoughts 💭
Retiring the Vibrant Colors, Want more natural color & Low Maintenance touch ups
I just turned 30 & got back into makeup. Willing to take all the advice & tips!
BOOST4BOOST immediate send backs, $RosaLinda
Boost4Boost, 2Left, $RosaLinda, I’m quick.
B4B….I have 4 remaining.
All4Boost Available. $Earnestine-Burke. Will boost back ASAP! No Scams
B4B one boost left. $yellowroses245
BOOST FOR BOOST? LEGIT! I have 3 left $Jaramea-Nelson
Boost 4 Boost. 1 Left. $RosaLinda
Boost 4 boost. 3 left! im quick.
Am I being manipulated…?
I have 3 left. I send ASAP. B4B $RosaLinda
Why does everyone hate timeout so much?
Boost4Boost. I have 4! I’m quick.
Back in Squad League??
3 boost left B4B $RosaLinda
b4b have 4 left $brayden-winters-1
B4b have 4 left $Ambrose-Barr
B4B $bbflapjacks will boost back asap thanks:)
B4B 3 left!!