A litre a day keeps the migraine away
Kept me up at night
Skype is shutting down for good
Bear aka momma Bear
He was not happy about not being able to sleep in my room
Are you a robot?
Obviously she’s a 18 century old Demi god
Can't unsee 😳
Rate Mr.Smokey
my cat’s signature pose🖤🤍
My little catto
I got Griever 2 hours ago from the shelter and he already made himself at home.
What's one drama that complete blew away all of your expectations ?
I wanna clean up my relationship.
What is a famous KDrama you've still not watched yet?
Thoughts? Ganto ba talaga dapat?🫢
What movie/series will you always recommend to someone who asks?
Holdapers of reddit, what would make a person a likely target?
Adults of Reddit, what is something your parents did that you thought was normal until you grew up to find out it wasn’t?
I planned to end my life this day, suddenly naospital only sister ko and life-threatening daw. Feel ko tinatawanan ako ng universe ngayon
What's your family's drama?
How can you know that a person really likes talking to you and not just out of boredom?
Does she search for herself on tiktok? Weird
What’s your go-to ice cream?
Tots? Kier Lataza