When you can't tell how much was real or in the characters head
favorite living planet?
People who like Endeavor / Enji Todoroki, why?
Aura farmers get talked about a lot but it's always dudes. How about female characters that aura farm?
A date that gets mentioned in a show that becomes an inside joke (usually with fans reposting the scene on said date) or a date mentioned far in the future gets celebrated when it finally comes
What’s your non agenda, unbiased and honest opinion on Deku?
Favorite angel?
Characters who wear white fullface masks
Ship Rating! What Do You Think of MinaMomo
Who is your favorite undead character?
if sonic was a human who in MHA would you ship him with?
Favorite character who's the child of the protagonist?
Characters who are infamously known for one thing
The alien/supernatural character is addicted to a specific human food like it's a drug
Favorite character who isn't canonically queer but people in the fandom say is queer?
Bald guys who are NOT evil
Characters who can't cook
(Personal Favorite Trope) Subtext Romances
Favorite character (s) who look intimidating, but is very sweet once you get to know them better
Favorite green character?
Favorite character without a father?
Favorite character who has something to do with a casino
Yo, doesn't this hanger kinda look like a pickaxe? Check out my Laundry Pickaxe, IT'S KICK-AXE!!!!
Why is there no Hit LR ???
Favorite character who has you like this