Wo Cannabis kaufen in Zürich ?
Deine Mutter Part 2…
Russian soldiers try to fend off a Ukrainian FPV drone with wooden planks
Footage of FPV pilots from the Ukrainian 414th Unmanned Strike Aviation Systems Brigade attacking a Russian MBT.
Absturz auf Insel mit Eingeborenen.
Der harte Winter
Wenns 10 Gebot für korrekts Verhalte ide Schwiizer Öffentlichkeit gäbt, weli wäred das?
UA 30th Mechanized Brigade's "Aerobomber" drone team used munition drops to help repel Russian infantry attacks, to good effect. Published February 1, 2025
Was sueched mer da so?
Make the comment section look like Aragorn’s search history:
Can’t fault them for playing g to their strengths
From Glocktopus to bullfighter. ¡Olé!
F**k PvPvE... I want PvP...
Wie kalt wird es denn?
The Cologne Crocodile, otherwise known as the Schnibbelmobil was constructed in the early 1980s
How would you keep the power on...for 20 years?
So the disguise is nonexistent now?
of a load
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
Es geht jemand in die Konditorei und fragt...
Viski cola DMZZZZ
"Wonderful" update
Figg Riz Casimir