is shaving legs a thing now?
What are the worst subs that you have ever had the displeasure of being on?
Is anyone else getting weird af DMs.
How do you actually start a conversation?
Why are so many guys scared of woman or it’s just a joke?
What 1 player would you choose to never get injured?
When did y’all start shaving??
do you care if a girl bites her nails?
do guys like being called handsome?
Why do boys sit in their car for like 5 minutes when they get somewhere?
U guys found ur valentine 🤭🤭??
What's a deal breaker in a relationship?
Would you rather add 1 foot to your hight or 1 inch to your d ?
Is love useless?
how much younger would you date?
Are you insecure of your size, height, or other factors you cannot change?
In your opinion, What is the perfect age for a first gf?
Should women go to jail for falsely accusing anyone of ràpe?
Why do you guys stand still when we hug you?
Would you date a girl whos a year younger?
Is this a good flick for gold 2-3?
How many of you have a crush on a guy but are too scared to say/do anything?
Do boys care abt where a girl is from if she’s like rlly pretty?
What video game would you like to play with a girl you're romantically interested in?
Fuck questions about girls, sex, and masturbation. What color would you guys like to paint your nails?