Thread: Things that you can do in Civ 7 that the game doesn't tell you.
CIV7 Legacy Points Ranking - An example of polish that needs to happen (now vs what it should become)
Has Oil gone from S tier to F tier?
Civ 7 is too easy. I'm not a good Civ player. Never beat Civ 6 Immortal (7/8 difficulty) and now I already got ahead of all AI in Civ 7 Deity (6/6 difficulty) after my third antiquity playthrough :(
Where can I see which wonders have been built already or are currently being built?
Nice change: You can now cross another civ's borders without Open Borders agreement, if your turn ends in friendly or neutral terrain
4 Ivory this early in the game! The new resource system offers a lot of room for dynamic strategies. +40% towards wonders in certain terrain will definitely shape my decision making for this playthrough.
How did we get from “Would you be interested in a trade agreement with England?” to “Hmmm”?
Is there a way to cancel the incorporate city state action?
Lets show some love to the graphic designers. They made an absolutely beautiful game.
Civ 7 Legacy Paths
Firaxis, just copy Age of Wonders 4 and give me this when I upgrade/build on a tile thanks! (also AoW4 is awesome, and you should all try it)
Man this Age reset thing is wild
Civ VII - Is there a military panel or overview page or something I'm missing?
Dear devs: feature request -> unit promotions
My only real issue with the game aside from the shitty UI
Does anybody know how I can get access to the Aksum's Tankwa Trade Ship? It's not it in the research or culture trees afaik.
Could someone please explain Harriet's "+100% Influence towards initiating Espionage Actions"? I don't understand what it means. Do I get Influence from Espionage Actions, or are they cheaper, or something else I'm missing?
I've seen this 3 times in a row now
Merchants are incredibly unintuitive.
Just played 8 hours and think the game is amazing AMA
You can hear a person coughing and typing on a keyboard during the Age Transition screen.
Steam Reviews: Day 1
Why does the southeast tile give 1 production and 1 happiness while the northern tiles only give 1 production?
CIV7 Glass half-full: Everything that's hard for the dev team to change is done really well (core mechanics). Everything that's done poorly is easy for the dev team to change (the UX).