How to take better pictures of my frogs without blinding them??
appropriate tank size?
Is this a health concern?
My snowflakes 🐸
WTF vivarium setup humidity question
update of the tadpoles that i found in FLA
beginner with some questions
How the heck do I tell if my cleanup crew is alive?
Is it normal for your frog to be terrified of you?
18x18x36 for 2 WTFs?
Good resources to learn?
Does my frog have an infection?
Very aggressive frog while feeding
Similar enough in size to be housed together?
She sleeps in her bucket
Fun tree frog facts?
What is he doing?
I Found An Abandoned Goldfish In An Empty House And I Don’t Know Shit About Fish
I think my tank looks bad, any suggestion?
Question on feeding my Dumpys
F10 veterinary cleanser
UWS bodega cats???
Do frogs get lonely
Soundproofing vivarium