Him vs Philip (since Philip is being so cocky)
People are downplaying Jinrang 😲🤯🤯
Do you think in future Jinrang and Daniel might teamup To take down James Lee?
Why ppl downplay jinrang? When it come against James or gitae
هدية الڤلانتين
Jaeha vs Seong taehoon
My Ranking of the Busan Arc so far
Let's end this.
Does anyone have more pictures of cappie without a cap?
How do you think the racist of Cheonliang would react when he saw Jaeha Han?
Weakest character that can solo the questism verse?
للبنات بس: إيه أكتر هواية بتشدكم للرجالة؟
How strong is he?
what is best free exploits?
what do u think of smadak being able to counter to Fighting style
can someone rate all james lee version from strongest to weakest ?
Unpopular attractive features?
الإسلام بقى اسرع الديانات انتشاراً في اليابان 🥳🤍🇯🇵
Prime hansoo vs Current samdak/ prime samdak?
Author Notes - Possibility of a future series
is Shintaro fraud?
السكس مع عرق مخلتف
What do you think Kim Soo-hyun stat will be when he use absorb card on any characters of this manhwa?
My opinion about Crazy Mita.
How do I get to this happy version of Portable Mita?