Which Holo Defender is the best?
Im a playstation user so whats the cost of building Rantanen's 91 MSP?
Does goalie height matter this year
Sennheiser Momentum 4 – Unlocking Their True Potential with Hi-End Fine Tuning!
All star difficulty moments - wtf???
Will there be an Eichel next week for four nations you guys think?
Now that we are jumping to 92s next week after 89 less than a month ago... 92 Team builders are a coming.
Market talk: Who else thinks 84s under 5k is the play for tomorrow? If it's 83s they still a good buy.
Huh? Lols pictures tho
Future planning for children of international teachers
When is the Sennheiser Momentum 5 dropping? And what afeatures would you like to see implemented?
Did your Barzal survive this event?
I feel so dumb for not realizing this sooner...
A 6’ 9” Goalie, Henrik Tikkanen HUT Champs test run 15-3-1
Could you share your work experience/profie at the time you got the job offer at a Tier 1/2 schools in Bangkok? (Vaguely or Specifically as you feel comfortable)
What's with ISR lately?
Which Holo icon next?
I've got 6 holos but this guy's easily been the best for me
Got 400k to try a goalie, who do you recommend ?
Cmon Ekholm... We need that 99... Free us from Parayko fomo.
Officially Uninstalled NHL25 Tonight
Woulda been great to be able to build the 90 ovr toty non msp cards
How much pay to win hate can this get
What’s district 2 like?
Unpopular opinion