People who think its a sin to fuck at 15💀 like grow up
What is the craziest agegap u heard of someone in ur school having?
Debate of the century plz only serious arguments
I thought the young pregnancy thing was a joke
I swear people here have no life outside school
Is it only me that hates beign refered to as femboy.
If yall are very flexible how did u get flexible??
Choose a superpower and I get to give you a downside
If ur chubby is the term chubby offensive to yall?
How many servings of alcohol does it take u to get drunk?
Controversial opinion
What makes you lose interest in somebody immediately?
i need a boyfriend ASAP
If u think ur short how short are u
Shy and chubby is the best combination in girls frfr
A girl just asked me does it hurt our balls when guys run??
What do you want from a class rep?
How can I attract money?
I’m praying a guy my age, good, and Mexican comes finds his way into my life🙏
If you could only listen to one artist, who would it be and why?
my gf got hit on. idk what to do
Why is there so many lgbt people here?
you wake up and find out that you have turned into a guy/girl overnight, what are you doing first?
Whats yalls favorite spirits?
Am i the only one who already is thinking of having kids as like young adults (18-23)