Help for recognize
Etched glass/mirror
i tried to make the graphics look like in real life and improved parkour, what do you think about the new additions?
A decent man holding up the leaning tower of fascism.
How orchard trees are trimmed.
Ask for opinion
GPU seemingly tried to brick itself.
Drop your hours
Goodbye to PC gaming for a while..
Fluid simulation issue
Computer Quote Question
Incredible lightning captured in the region of Jupiter's North Polar Vortex by the Juno spacecraft. Credit: NASA
I wasn’t planning on an upgrade but for this price I couldn’t say no.
NVIDIA App to officially launch with GeForce RTX 50 series -
The Witcher 3 - Stuttering problem ( Frame generation : ON , Ultra settings , Nvidia hairworks ON )
gdzie są TE czipsy? czy na naszym rynku doszło do jakiejś zmowy hejterów szynki że każda marka je wycofała?
Should I replace my tires?
Dragon Age: The Veilguard PC System Requirements
it was a beautiful journey
Naklejka z szyby BMW, które wjechało w drzewo w okolicach Radacza w woj. zachodniopomorskim w nocy z soboty na niedzielę (link do artykułu w komentarzu)
I'm the Sweet Baby, AMA
Is my GTX1070 dead?
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50 Blackwell rumors hint at higher power consumption