m0NESY has selected his top 5 AWPers of all time - Notably he left himself off of the list
"How loyal are you" Me:
Papito has still got it
Throwback to one of the most famous Cache clips of all time
"I need to pee guys, let's win" - When overtimes go on for a little too long
HALO has just received a Counter-Strike like game mode complete with 2 bomb sites and an economy system - Could this drive traffic to CS2 as people get a taste for this kind of gamemode and want to try the real deal?
donk, best player in the world? He's not even the best player on Mirage! — The map is still being dominated by AWPers playing Window 🪟 🔫
Faze IGL Karrigan has become one with nature during the short tournament break
Should CS2 platforms like FACEIT require you to verify your identity before you are allowed to play? Surely this would help combat the issue of 8-10 year old "prodigies" filling up the servers.
Someone tried to end the career of Navi Junior player cmtry by faking messages which made it look like the player was match-fixing
Can we please get this crosshair style from CSGO added to CS2?
Why HLTV forums users shouldn't be taken seriously (Example #5139)
CS:GO vs CS2 Map Comparison – CS2 is so much brighter, making dark player models easier to see and bright crosshairs harder to see 👀
“I didn’t expect you to cheat for us” — degster thanks the crowd after Falcons take down Faze Clan at PGL Cluj-Napoca
Confession : I have been cheating in cs2 for over 5k hours and the anti cheat is a fucking joke
S1mple trolling his teammates during a timeout
Astralis 2018 win rate at big events —This is what dominance looks like
CS2 developer activity has been spotted — will we receive an update this evening?
What's the deal with people adding me as a friend and asking to play CS?
Only true gamers can master "The box"
NIP Impact are ranked higher in the Valve rankings than the NIP main team
Do you play 16:9 or 4:3? Apparently YEKINDAR is changing his resolution after watching Donk POVs
This was left outside 3DMAX’s team room
ZywOo on his infamous rivalry vs s1mple: “I wouldn’t say I miss it, but I think the scene does”
PARIVISION have announced Dastan as their new coach