What character has a more popular design in a later adaptation, but you actually prefer the original?
Characters who wear white fullface masks
Kings who are on the front lines
The alien/supernatural character is addicted to a specific human food like it's a drug
Team Uniforms (No School or Sports Uniforms)
Which one would you agree with the most?
Broken Helmets/Masks
Which character's name do you prefer in japanese over the dub?
Whitewashing Characters
Outdated character designs that got better redesigns in later adaptations
Fan favorite characters showing up later on as an adult (bonus points if they have a kid of their own)
Characters that are the same design as another character, only with a different color
Turtles and turtle-themed characters
Mysterious characters that we know nearly nothing about
Animals, kaijus and beasts forming an intense grudge against individuals who hurt them
"Don't fall, back you up against the wall Ready to kill and my weapon I draw Ready to cut with the chainsaw"/ Characters who use Chainsaws as weapons.
“I’m an asshole, but I’m not a bad guy.”
Characters that look like meatheads but are actually extremely intelligent
Villains that don't appear until near the very end or atleast ¾ of the way to the end
Found family that actually stayed together and didn't leave each other
When a character lists their titles before deliviring an ass-whooping
This year Super Sentai the franchise behind Power Rangers celebrates its 50th anniversary with its 49th season "Nº 1 Sentai Gozyuger".
time travel shenanigans that make the protagonist suffer
The Bumbling And Lovable Non-Powered Member Of The Super Team