Inferno - range/mage alternating
Any chill high level PVM clans?
This made me quit completely.
My coffee is telling me to go back to Zulrah
5 different ways to do Red X at Ba-ba (example clips)
I didn't know a single thing about Runescape before I started playing
People who haven't gotten jagex account can play the game right now
A reminder that in a few days, Barbarian Assault will be dead
If you had told me 6 months ago that I’d ever attempt, let alone complete the Inferno, I would have laughed in your face. Today, on attempt #20 and Zuk #4, I beat him. Now I can finally play the game.
Died To This Weird Interaction 3 Times Now
I want to max this year. Any tips?
OSRS Needs an Account-Wide Membership – The Current Model Is Outdated
PK'ers HELP! How do PK'ers stay right on top of me in combat???
BofA or tbow
Guys who always choose to play female chars. Why?
Using F Keys
Yo Jagex, mind turning the purples back on please?
TOA Point boosting?
BH is extremely unwelcoming to newer pkers
I've always had an issue with this logically (rancour & torture)
Implementing an official name exchange is high on my list of QOL I’d like to see added to the game
Update: Osrs players surprise me everyday
Are we doing something wrong at COX?
What's better as an ironman: osrs or rs3?
Worst Araxxor log