Lightining arrow and Steel Wind Strike
Is Russia Really a Threat to NATO and the UK?
I'm getting increasingly frustrated playing against "technically a 2" decks under the new bracket system.
True Stories: How did your game go this week? – March 03, 2025
So I got to play VS a Silver Dragon...
New wight.
2024 Blood hunter
The Immortal (Invincible) vs Jogo (JJK)
Reform UK wins second council seat in Norfolk with 54% of the vote
What drove your campaign's BBEG to become THE BBEG?
I'm afraid to kill or going easy with an adult black dragon encounter. Balancing problem
Solasta 2 Demo performance
What is the best single storyline in RPG history ?
New UA: Eberron Updates
Giving extra attack to war clerics
So, cloud giants would really be the worst thing to use shapechange against, huh?
WOTC please give us more ways to gish
Are bugbear characters now count as fey creatures?
Hot take: I don't like Bladesinger wizard
D&D and hard control: the unhealthy direction that was kept for 10 years
Based on actual play - what are your top-3 likes and dislikes of the 2024 version?
Give me a more badass villain line
In your opinion, what are some of the worst Class-into-Subclass transitions?
Illriggers… who’s played one from the new MCDM sourcebook?
S2 Demo: Anyone Else Finding Pathing Is Pretty Wonky?