[QUESTION] does Screenshotting an ad in between stories register as having done it to your friends?
Maui Invitational questions
TikTok trend of daughters dressing their mom up as them
Paris Hilton slips up and uses her actual voice
Was it every announced that Izzy and Hawk were becoming weekly Co-Hosts?
What causes cats to be particular about where they sit?
Typical chode behaviour
[Postgame Thread] New Mexico Defeats Washington State 38-35
A very specific insult
California Cookie Monster
Who would you smash the most in the arrowverse?
Something ain't right with this Sonic Footlong Coney
I beg your finest pardon
This should be criminal
How would you rank the 4 seasons of the show, best to worst?
The likeness is uncanny
This is why I don't watch Netflix shows anymore.
Am I the only one who liked this movie?
Please help save my family farm from financial ruin after a wildfire
Stephen A Smith
Am I ugly
This might be a stupid question and I apologize if it is, but my Twitter randomly quits working
[Discussion] In general, do you prefer Cyborg as a member of the Teen Titans or the Justice League?