Why have you stopped playing PvP?

I posted this as a comment, and it kept bothering me so i want to post this as i genuinely want to know, whats the reason everyone stopped playing PvP? Am i alone in feeling this way? See below for more information:

I consider myself a casual player in the sense that I typically play 1–2 hours, at most 4–5 times a week, after my kids have gone to bed. However, I have a deep passion for PvP and have been playing it exclusively since MoP. I’ve consistently achieved Duelist every season and have reached Elite (Arena, not blitz) in recent seasons, currently sitting at 2.4k+ rating. So, I’m no stranger to PvP.

Throughout every season—whether it was SL or Dragonflight—when many were declaring that PvP was “dead,” I kept playing. I genuinely enjoy it and have never been particularly bothered by broken classes, whether it was Ret or DH

But this season feels different. I can’t quite pinpoint why. Despite what this subreddit might say, balance is relatively good, and gearing isn’t particularly difficult. Yet, something feels off. Whether it’s the mmr, a shrinking PvP population, or long queue times, the result is the same: for the first time, I simply don’t feel like playing retail PvP. I might also add that i still play the same amount of time, but classic now. So time/responsabilities are not a issue here.

I hope that changes, because I love this game—but right now, it just isn’t fun for me.

For those who are in a similair situation, why did u quit/stop?