Asked to clean office

Hi all,

We have found out that the company we work for (we work in the mental health service) has decided to not hire a cleaner anymore to save money and we will be asked to clean the office ourselves (including bathrooms).

Is this acceptable? The manager has not told us yet but we are aware that this will happen at some point. I am very adamant in saying that I won't be doing it 1) it's not in my job description 2) i am already paid minimum wage and i am already battling for the company to raise our salaries.

I feel like giving us extra tasks that are not related at all to what we do after complaining about our pay, is taking the piss.

EDIT: We are only 10 people in the office but we have people from the outside coming in every week and everyday because we offer psychological support. Dont want to be mean but a lot of the time our clients neglect themselves and can neglect to shower themselves for A MONTH. Not sure anyone would be comfortable in cleaning a toilet seat after knowing that

What should i do? What can i do?