I’m not comfortable helping customers who want things from the sushi company but my leadership expects it. What do I do?

I’m a re-hire. At my old store we used to have problems with the sanitation of the sushi company because although we got along with their workers they would get negative sanitation scores and somehow that affected pfds. I became accustomed to just worrying about pfds and not touching anything sushi related.

Now I’m in a different city and different store. My store is regularly quite busy and I feel like I’m pulling my hair out just trying to keep up with the daily pfds tasks and more often than not can’t even finish my production list. Sure if a customer says the sushi counter is out of soy sauce I’ll throw on gloves and put a handful of soy sauce packets out there from the sushi conpany’s cooler. However when customers come up wanting me to go out to the salad bars to get sauce cups and squirt them cups of sushi sauces I feel uncomfortable. My leadership says to just do it because it brings money into the store but it feels like additional responsibilities being added onto my plate and like I’m risking messing up something sanitation related. I’ve asked the sushi people to pre-make sauce cups but I haven’t seen any movement on that.

Does everyone help out with sushi related requests? Requests for things like making sushi rolls are a hard no but the line seems to be blurred when it comes to “can I get a cup of spicy mayo?”