Cube Attain or Agree ?

[repost since I didn't get any answers] I've been tempted to invest into a good bike that will last for a while.

I am now hesitating between a cube agree C:62 ONE and a cube attain C:62 SLX. They are 2800€ and 2500€ with the same specs besides that the ONE is more aero + UCI approved and has a tyre clearance of 30 mm while the SLX has 34mm and is less aero but 200gr lighter.
I want something that is nice but will last for at least 5 years without losing too much value. Seeing the current trends of going wide I thought that the SLX may be wiser but a more aero frame may be a big plus for Belgium (the flat land as they say)

Which would you pick ? Drop any suggestions for any other bikes in that 2k5 price range

[repost since I didn't get any answers] I've been tempted to invest into a good bike that will last for a while.

I am now hesitating between a cube agree C:62 ONE and a cube attain C:62 SLX. They are 2800€ and 2500€ with the same specs besides that the ONE is more aero + UCI approved and has a tyre clearance of 30 mm while the SLX has 34mm and is less aero but 200gr lighter.
I want something that is nice but will last for at least 5 years without losing too much value. Seeing the current trends of going wide I thought that the SLX may be wiser but a more aero frame may be a big plus for Belgium (the flat land as they say)

Which would you pick ? Drop any suggestions for any other bikes in that 2k5 price range