Short Vs Long Engagement
Hoping for some pros & cons from those who had short and long engagements.
BACKGROUND: I know this is weird/unromantic to think of getting engaged this way but we’ve held off due to not being 100% there financially and not really wanting the mental stress of planning a wedding. We’ve been together a LONG time and have been getting the pressure from all ends. Bf hinted to me he was thinking sometime within this calendar year (we are trying to be open/on the same page while leaving some level of surprise) and I was caught off guard because I thought we were leaning more next year. I want to get on board with this because I love him so much and want to be married to him and if he had some plans in the works I don’t want to shut it down- but I’m freaking out a little bit!!!
I always wanted a short engagement (1 year), but due to this coming sooner than I thought I’m now thinking about 1.5-2 years engagement. But I’d really prefer 1 year. Yes I have control issues lol. Anyways, please please looking for any pros and cons you have had with your engagement timelines and any advice- I can’t believe I’m posting in here!!! Eeep!!