RSVP Blues
I (28F) have been planning my wedding for almost 2 years. Some of the most important people in my life have known the location and date for the past year. My fiancé and I live in Europe while most of our family is in the US. When we told them we were having it in Italy, everyone said that they couldn’t wait. Now, two months before the wedding, when RSVPs are due, I have gotten what feels like a crushing wave of “declines with regret”. All of them come with something to the effect of “I’m sorry I can’t get time off”, “we’re moving later in the month”, “it’s too far”,“I’m scared of flying”, or “we don’t have it in the budget to come”.
For reference the hotel we’ve suggested is $130 a night, I just bought round trip flights for $900. My fiancé is going to a wedding in the middle of Missouri and is spending more for a turn and burn.
I don’t want to be entitled, but we are putting so much time, effort, and money into this wedding. I just feel like I’m 7 years old again and no one is coming to my birthday party.