Help please I’ve lost $3,000 to Verizon

So about 2 and a half years ago I had the option in my Verizon app to get a free phone with a new plan and did so for my wife. We have never received the phone due to me switching my living location physically but not in the app. So they said they sent the phone to my old address and I saw it had been returned. I had sat on the phone with customer service 5 separate times for ruffly 15 hours in total trying to either cancel the line, or get the phone.

I was told every single time by the end of the call I was told I’d be getting it reshipped. Well I honestly gave up on it when I had waited over a month of waiting for the phone, and now have let it go for too long. I’m now trying to fix how well I maintain my finances and really would like to get this $100 a month charge off of my account. If anyone could leave a comment with their opinion on what I should do, that would be muchly appreciated.