Waiting on United Aviate Academy assessment update
Here's my UAA application timeline thus far:
- Applied to UAA on Feb. 21 & *immediately* received an email to complete video interviews
- Completed video interviews on Feb. 28
- Received an email on April 14 that I made it to the next step/to complete assessment by April 22
- Completed assessment on April 21
It's been about 1 week since I took the assessment and I haven't heard anything. I'm curious if any of you have a similar timeline and *have* heard back by now?
Thanks in advance for any information and good luck to everyone!
***** UPDATE ****\*
I received my ~conditional~ UAA acceptance email on May 11! Now I have to complete a few tasks (like taking the FAA PAR exam and getting an FAA first class medical certificate) before I can receive my class date!