***note: no spoilers pretty please, I haven’t rewatched season 3 yet
So I watched Twin Peaks in 2018 or something because the third season had been released so I thought I’d try it.
I loved it.
I watched seasons 1-2 again this past week, hardly remembered anything, season 1 loved it, season 2 enjoyable but not love - it was a bit of a train wreck. It’s like everything they set up, they crapped on. I’ve gone straight to Google to find out why, and I know now it’s because ABC interfered and Lynch and Frost weren’t involved for a lot of it…
But darn it, it’s such a tragedy when there’s this moment in time, 34 fucking years ago (and this really hits home because I was born in 1990 when season 1 aired lol), that if it had panned out the way it should have - would likely have created this unmatched brilliance of a second season (and maybe even more seasons) that no other show would have ever matched. Because season 1 set up that potential and it was just ready to go.
But, that moment was gone 30-something years ago, lost, can’t get it back.
My main gripe is why the fuck didn’t Audrey and Cooper get together but then the entire rest of the goddamn town is grown ass adults hitting on, sleeping with, and dating teens and early 20-somethings?!
Like it was downright disturbing at times. And yet Audrey and Cooper just seemed so right. Maybe because the two actors themselves were close in age so physically it doesn’t seem icky. If the actress looked like an 18 year old then yeah there’d probably be an ick factor.
Their chemistry was intense and they made such a point of it and then nothing. Their replacement romantic partners were forced and awkward.
Oh and is Audrey dead?! Why the fuck is Josie a drawer handle? What does doppleganger Cooper do and why did he come out of the lodge? Where’s OG Cooper? I kind of don’t give a fuck if Annie is gone because like I said, her chemistry with Cooper didn’t exist.
These are rhetorical questions, no spoilers please I need to rewatch the third season starting tomorrow 😂
I remember I liked that too but don’t remember it at all so. Yeah. It’s 25 years after the original ship sailed so it’s not like the lost opportunities can be salvaged by it but at least it should answer some questions…
I’m also thoroughly enjoying this journey because, I may have forgotten the details after having seen it all once before 7 years ago, but I won’t forget again after watching it a second time.
It still beats the hell out of most shows today, trainwreck and all. It’s its own thing, in its own universe, nothing else like it.