Swimming Despair - There is hope

For all the late in life swimmers, people struggling with anchor ass, and those that feel like a pool work out is really just sparring with water, have hope.

Practice and technique refinement will take you so very very far.

The first video is one of my first days out in the pool in March 2022, I’d watched a few videos and received pointers from friends who coach swimming. My goal was a 70.3 in October 2022. I thought I was fucked. My average pace was 2:25/100m with breaks

The second video is a few months into training suffering still there but getting better. Average pace is a little better but I need less breaks or I can do a few 100m no break.

The third video was August 2022 just prior to my practice oly tri, there is some hope. Pace is around 2:05/100 and I feel slightly less like dying.

Fourth video is from the end of September 2022 right be fore the race at the tail end of a 3800m training session. Average pace 1:50/100m

Final video is from last week, I’ve knocked out 2x 70.3 races and an Olympic since I starting training. I can hold an average of 1:35/100m in the pool, swim days feel less like playing Wreck it Ralph and more like a hard jog.

I hope this gives some hope and encouragement to people struggling with the swim, it isn’t easy to learn but once things start to click the gains are noticeable.