Can anyone make a Roblox game F0-F5 with this script?

def choose_map(): print("Choose a map:") print("1. City") print("2. Town")

map_choice = input("Enter 1 for City or 2 for Town: ").strip()

if map_choice == '1':
    print("You have chosen the City map!")
elif map_choice == '2':
    print("You have chosen the Town map!")
    print("Invalid choice. Please choose either 1 or 2.")
    return choose_map()  # Recursively call the function if invalid input

return map_choice

def choose_tornado(): print("\nChoose a tornado strength:") print("F0: Weak") print("F1: Moderate") print("F2: Significant") print("F3: Severe") print("F4: Devastating") print("F5: Incredible")

tornado_choice = input("Enter F0 to F5: ").strip().upper()

if tornado_choice in ['F0', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5']:
    print(f"You have chosen tornado strength: {tornado_choice}")
    print("Invalid choice. Please enter a valid tornado strength (F0 to F5).")
    return choose_tornado()  # Recursively call the function if invalid input

return tornado_choice

def main(): print("Welcome to the Tornado Simulator!")

map_choice = choose_map()
tornado_choice = choose_tornado()

print(f"\nSimulation settings:")
print(f"Map: {'City' if map_choice == '1' else 'Town'}")
print(f"Tornado Strength: {tornado_choice}")

if name == "main": main()