Do u feel like ur therapist is gaslighting you?

Is this gaslighting?

Probably overreaching with this opinion, but has this ever happened to you? Everytime I try to bring up something that negatively impacted me, my therapist(who i no longer see) would immediately look for reasons that I was irrationally thinking, or say it unlikely happened that way. I mentioned one time that a coworker of mine made fun of me, and laughed directly at my face. I clearly explained the situation and how it made me feel, but my therapist immediately assumed he was laughing at something else, and not me, even though I repeatedly pointed out that he did it multiple times directly towards me. My therapist ignored this, and kept repeating the same thing as if he didnt believe me. He said "I'm not saying he didn't do it", but he gave me no support for my side of the story at all. He always says "they probably didn't do it like you think, they're just doing it to do it", as if it means anything, and constantly ignores other details I give, explaining my side of the story. I never really believed him whenever he did this, and it really made me not want to share any traumatic situations I've had.